
Journeys by Design

Showcase meaningful travel


Walk Ethiopia

Walking long distances is more than getting from one place to another. It is even more than finding something special on the way. As much a journey into the self as it is through space, the long walk has the power of revelation, a power born of a pace slow enough to allow for periods of silent contemplation, and for the joy of sharing that experience with one’s walking companions.

Facilitator of the meaningful, of conversations worth having, of the self-generated transformation, walking is the great enabler. It allows for wonder and nowhere is this truer than of Tigray, northern Ethiopia, a place of near unparalleled beauty. To walk its mountainous plateaus or ‘ambas’ – to visit its ancient churches, to be hosted by the Tigray people in villages surrounded by fields of barley, and groves of lemon and orange – is to experience another world. It is old. It is wonderful. It is spectacularly enabling.

<For more, see brochure>